
Art is an important part of school life and all our classes are named after famous artists:

Year 6 – Mackintosh and Morris

Year 5 – Escher and Klimt

Year 4 – Kandinsky and Matisse

Year 3 – Renoir and Tissot

Year 2 – Monet and Turner

Year 1 – Picasso and Seurat

Reception – Lowry and Van Gogh

Nursery – Ofili

Please click on the class links to see what the classes are currently working on.


Nursery – Ofili Class

Welcome to the Nursery.  Our teacher is Mrs Stoica and our teaching assistants are Mrs Amrouchi and Mrs Panayiotou. Home learning: Please read books of all kinds to your child: pictures, words and pictures, pop-ups, information, and poetry.

Reception – Lowry and Van Gogh

Welcome to Reception.  Our teaching staff are Mrs Archer (Lowry) and Mrs Melia (Van Gogh).  Our teaching assistants are Miss Whitley, Mrs Redmond, Mrs Waddingham, Mrs Fowles and Miss Ross. PE:  Our PE sessions take place on a Friday. Home learning: Home learning will be sent home on a Friday to be returned on a …

Year 1 – Picasso and Seurat

Welcome to Year 1. Our teaching staff are Mr Barnes (Picasso) and Miss Dunn (Seurat).  Our teaching assistants are Mrs Moloney, Miss Southern, Mrs Bradley and Miss Darling. PE: Year 1 have PE on a  Wednesday – please ensure you wear your PE kit on this day and bring a water bottle into school with you. …

Year 2 – Monet and Turner

Welcome to Year 2. Our teaching staff are Miss Risley (Monet) and Ms Stuart (Turner).  Our teaching assistants are Ms Vann, Mrs Jones, Mrs Clifton and Miss Hannibal. PE: Year 2 have PE on a Wednesday – please ensure you wear your PE kit on this day and bring a water bottle into school with …

Year 3 – Renoir and Tissot

Welcome to Year 3  Our class names are Tissot and Renoir. In Tissot the teaching staff are Mr Cahill, Miss Mughal and Miss Barimah. In Renoir the teaching staff are Miss Lee, Mrs Godfrey and Mr Carpenter.  PE is on a Monday. Please ensure your children have a white top with black shorts/ bottoms and …

Year 4 – Kandinsky and Matisse

Welcome to Year 4.  Our teaching staff are Mrs Pyzer and Mrs Taylor (Matisse) and Mr Sullivan and Mrs Huke (Kandinsky). Our teaching assistants are Mrs Cook and Mrs Oakaby-Wright. PE takes place on a Thursday morning. Please ensure your child has a white top with black shorts/ bottoms and trainers. Homework is set on …

Year 5 – Escher and Klimt

Welcome to Year 5.  Our teaching staff are Mr Franklin (Klimt) and Mrs Wombwell (Escher). Our teaching assistants are Miss Cook and Mrs Evans Year 5  PE is on a Monday – PE kit should be worn on this day. Homework is set on Google Classroom on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. …

Year 6 – Mackintosh and Morris

Welcome to Year 6. Our teaching staff are Mrs Wan (Mackintosh) and Mrs Riaz (Morris).  Our teaching assistants are  Mrs Batten and Miss Gatherar. PE:  Year 6 have PE on a Thursday – please ensure you wear your PE kit on this day and bring a water bottle into school with you. Homework: Homework is …

Nurture Class

Welcome to Dali Nurture Group What is a Nurture Group? Dali class is an extension of EYFS, for children who are temporarily unable to fully access the curriculum within their mainstream class setting. We offer a sanctuary where children can progress without the pressures of the classroom, whilst developing their personal, social, and emotional skills, which are …