
Parents’ Information

Parent Teacher Consultations Parent Teacher Consultation meetings:  Appointments can be booked through the on-line booking system:  Road Safety and Travel We are collaborating with a Road Safety and Travel initiative called Mode shift Stars. The scheme recognises schools that show excellence in supporting the safe cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable and active …


At Oak View School we believe that ‘Every Lesson Counts’ and we therefore place a high value on regular attendance and encourage it in the followings ways: Providing a caring and welcoming learning environment that is such fun that children will not want to miss it; Responding promptly to a child’s or parent’s concerns about …

Wrap Around Provision

To try and support our community we offer in-house wrap around care provision. We offer a before school club from 7.45am–8.40am with a charge of £2.50.   We are unable to provide food and ask that all children who attend have had breakfast before they arrive.  We may sometimes provide fruit and milk/water, but nothing that …

Online Payments

The school operates a cashless office and provides parents with the ability to pay for school items online.  This means you can pay whenever it’s convenient for you.  For School Meals we use SchoolGrid and for all other payments we use The School Gateway.  Please see the information below on how to access these systems. …

Online Safety

Thinkuknow is a programme for children from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. The programme includes activities to support parents in keeping their children safe online. Each activity is linked to a specific age group and includes short videos to encourage discussion and develop strategies to keep everyone safe.  At Oak View we have used …

Policies & Forms

Listed below are some of our most important policies. Hard copies of these documents can be requested from the school office free of charge. Please contact the school office if you would like information on the policy of something not listed below. Policies Forms  


Our school meals are provided by Hertfordshire Catering and at Oak View, we offer the Pupil Choice Plus Menu which gives the children the choice of a hot meal (meat or vegetarian), jacket potato or cold lunch option each day. The cost of a two course school meal is £3.30 per day for a Junior …


Uniform is worn at Oak View to develop a sense of pride in being a member of the Oak View School community. Our school uniform consists of: Charcoal grey or black trousers, knee length shorts, skirt, pinafore dress or purple and white school summer dress (all these should be school items and not fashion wear) …