
Remote Learning Activities

Check out the Remote Learning page for more activities


Oak View Primary School Appraisal

Harvest Festival – October 2019

Children’s Week – May 2017

During Children’s Week, the whole school took part in a dance event working in partnership with Living the Dream.

Each Year group performed their own dance routines and the children and adults had a wonderful time being involved in this new and exciting learning experience.

The children had the opportunity to watch the unedited version of the film in an assembly and their excitement and reaction to it showed what a truly memorable experience it was for them.

The final version can be accessed through the following link:


Forest School

An Introduction Forest School is the creation of a formal link between education and the outdoor environment. Working outdoors with children was initially developed in Scandinavia and has been part of their system of education since the 1950’s. The concept of Forest School in Scandinavia is rooted within the philosophy of free play, creativity, socialisation …

Remote Learning

This information is intended to provide clarity regarding what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. High quality remote learning will be provided on the following learning platforms. For which all pupils have their log in. If these have been misplaced, please contact …

Road Safety and Travel

We are collaborating with a Road Safety and Travel initiative called Mode shift Stars. The scheme recognises schools that show excellence in supporting the safe cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable and active travel to and from school. The safety of our pupils and parents while getting to and from school is of the …

School Clubs

Spring 2025 Day Club Year Group Monday Multi Sports (Max 20) Year 1 with Miss Darling and Mrs Godfrey Monday Multi Sports (Max 20) Year 5 with Ms Hagger and Mrs Jones Tuesday Boomwhackers Year 3 with Mrs Jones and Mrs Cook Tuesday Games Club Year 4 with Mrs Oakaby-Wright and Mrs Evans Tuesday Choir …


Below is a list of upcoming sporting events that Oak View will be participating in.  Watch this space for outcomes and photos shown below. Sporting Activity Date Time Year Group(s) Locations                                                 …