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As a governor you could make a profound difference as an individual but also as part of the governing body team to help the school.  It is a very important role and you would work with the Head Teacher to create a vision and plan for the school.  The school would greatly welcome your interest, input and support.

For information on the role of a Governor please see our Volunteering page, or please feel free to contact the Governing Body on the email address below if you would like to find out more on becoming a School Governor at Oak View.

This email address can also be used  to share any other issues directly with the Governing Body:

Oak View Governing Body:

Our Governing Body is made up of 9 people.  We have:

  • 1 LA appointed member
  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Staff member
  • 4 Co-Opted members
  • 1 Headteacher

LA (appointed by the GB and are the responsibility of the local authority)

Parent Governors (elected by parents/carers of registered pupils on the school roll)

Staff (appointed by the GB – includes the Headteacher and a member of staff on payroll)

Co-opted Governors (appointed by the GB)

What does the Governing Body do?

Our governing body is responsible for overseeing the work of the school and for providing direction and guidance for the future. Its responsibilities cover the overall management of the school, helping to determine its aims, objectives and policies in accordance with all the relevant legislation. The governing body:

  • is accountable for the performance of the school
  • plans the school’s future direction
  • makes decisions on the school’s budget and staffing
  • makes sure that the school fulfils its curricular and legal obligations
  • decides how the school can encourage pupils spiritual, moral and cultural development
  • makes sure that the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special educational needs
  • acts as a critical friend to support the school’s management team

The full governing body meet every month except for Easter and Summer. As well as their collective responsibilities, governors have a link to a specific member of the senior leadership team

To ensure consistency, the governing body makes decisions as a ‘body’, never as individuals.

Our School Governors:

Name Type of Governor Term of Office Registered Interests Meeting Attendance 2023-2024 Meeting Attendance 2024-2025
Mr Lee Bradley Co-Opted 12/09/2024 None   FGB 4 of 4
Mrs Sarah Coull LA Appointed 09/02/2023 – 08/02/2027 None FGB 6 of 7 FGB 4 of 4
Mrs Gemma Kelly (Vice-Chair) Co-Opted 09/02/2023 – 08/02/2027 None FGB 5 of 7 FGB 3 of 4
Mr Anthony Kent (Chair) Co-Opted 23/11/2021 – 22/11/2025 None FGB 7 of 7 FGB 4 of4
Mrs Sheila O’Shaughnessy Associate Member  20/01/2015- None

FGB 7 of 7

FGB 4 of 4

Mr Neil Richardson Headteacher  Ex officio governor None FGB 7 of 7 FGB 4 of 4
Miss Karis Robinson Parent 08/10/2024 – 07/10/2028     FGB 3 of 4
Mrs Kady Sanogo Parent 09/02/2023 – 08/02/2027 None FGB 7 of 7 FGB 4 of 4
Mrs Lesley Waddingham Staff 14/09/2023 – 13/09/2027 None FGB 7 of 7 FGB 4 of 4
Mrs Kayleigh Kingsland Clerk   None    
Vacancy Co-Opted        

There are no pecuniary interests to be declared.

Minutes of Governing Body Meetings

No Longer Serving:

Name Type of Governor Term of Office Ended/Resigned Registered Interests
Mrs Louise Young Staff  13/10/2023 None
Mrs Jules Rayner Co-Opted 18/06/2024 None
Mrs Claire Wiltshire Hunt Parent 20/06/2024 None
Mr Mo Molaei Co-Opted 20/06/2024 None