Welcome to Year 1. Our teaching staff are Mr Barnes (Picasso) and Miss White
(Seurat). Our teaching assistants are Mrs Moloney (Picasso), Mrs Bradley, Miss Darling (Seurat). The following adults will also be working in Picasso: Miss Barimah, Miss Douglas and Mrs Fowles.
PE: Year 1 have PE on a Thursday – please ensure you wear your PE kit on this day
and bring a water bottle into school with you. Please ensure earrings are removed or
medical tape is provided so that they can be covered.
Forest School: On a Thursday throughout the Autumn Term children will be taking part in Forest School activities as part of enrichment. Half the children will take part in the first half of the Autumn Term, the remaining half will be doing Design & Technology. After the half term break groups will swap over.
Homework: Homework goes out on a Friday and is due in the following Tuesday. Homework consists of a Phonics task (linked to Little Wandle) and a maths task. Children will also bring home their Phonics reading book which they have been reading in class as part of a group – this book is for the children to read to you.
Children may also bring home a sharing book. This book can be changed as and when children wish. This book is for a grown up or older sibling to read to your child.
Can you please ensure water bottles, lunch boxes along with jumpers, coats, hats, scarfs and gloves are named.