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  • Newsletter Issue 13 - July 2024 (1.35MB)

    End of Term, Staff Leavers, Year 6, Moving, FSM Holiday Vouchers, Oak View Stars, Trips and Events, Bike Drive, From the Office, Diary Dates

  • Newsletter Issue 12 - June 2024 (994.98KB)

    Summer Term, Good Luck, Upcoming Events, Seatbelt Safety, Oak View Star, Events and Activities, Allergies, Appointments, Moving, From the Office, Dates

  • Newsletter Issue 11 - May 2024 (1.03MB)

    End of Half Term, Visits, Events and Activities, May Half Term Free School Meal Vouchers, Allergy Information, Appointments, From the Office, Diary Dates

  • Newsletter Issue 10 - May 2024 (1,006.59KB)

    School Closed Monday 6 May, Half Term Reminder,  Summer Term, Ice Star, Sports Day, Open Afternoon, Isabel Hospice, Trips and Visits, Allergy Information, From the Office, Diary Dates

  • Newsletter Issue 9 - March 2024 (1.33MB)

    End of term, Great Big Dance Off, Isabel Hospice, Events, UniformD, School meal price increase, Book exchange, Allergy information, FSM holiday vouchers, From the office, Diary dates

  • Newsletter - Issue 8 - February 2024 (2.15MB)

    Spring Term, FSM Vouchers, Parents Evening, World Book Day, Trips and Visits, Meals, UniformD, Allergy Information, Appointments, From the Office, Diary Dates

  • Newsletter - Issue 7 - January 2024 (766.25KB)

    Spring term 2024, Curriculum information, Open afternoon, Attendance, NSPCC number day, Dressing for cold weather, Wellbeing week, Trips and events,  Allergy information, UniformD, Appointments, From the office, Diary dates

  • Newsletter - Issue 6 - December 2023 (1.34MB)

    End of Term, Art gallery, Christmas festivities, Carol service for dementia, KS2 Carol service, Choir, Trips and visits, Sports events, Allergy information, Nursery applications, Appointments, Uniformd, FSM vouchers, From the office, Diary dates and finally........... Merry Christmas

  • Newsletter - Issue 5 - November 2023 (1.31MB)

    Occasional day, Autumn 2, Oak View Art gallery, Open afternoon, Children in Need, After school clubs. Child safety, Nursery applications, Parent survey, Y6 trip, Handwriting, Maths, Sports events, Christmas, UniformD, Appointments, Allergy information, From the office, Diary dates

  • Newsletter - Issue 4 - November 2023 (1.05MB)

    From the Head, Child safety, Flu vaccinations, Parent evenings, Children in Need, Mini marathon, Pupil visits, Art gallery, Bike skills, Sports events, Christmas, UniformD, Appointments, Allergy information, From the office, Diary dates

  • Newsletter - Issue 3 - 2023-2024 (1.80MB)

    School Closed - half term, Harvest festival, Parents evening, Mini marathon, Forest school, Sports news, Christmas lunch, Allergy information, Uniformd, FSM vouchers, From the office, Secondary school applications, Appointments, Diary dates

  • Newsletter - Issue 2 - 2023-2024 (1.74MB)

    Year 6 residential, Open afternoon, Allergy information, Harvest festival, World mental health day, Kapla, Class trips, Road safety, Values, Book exchange, From the office, Secondary applications, Appointments, Diary dates

  • Newsletter - Issue 1 - 2023-2024 (605.61KB)

    Welcome back, Book exchange, Mini London marathon, Allergy information, Swimming, Glass bottles, Road safety, Values, Photographs, Open afternoon, Scooters/bikes, Holiday requests, From the office, Dinner money, Uniform reminder, Dates

  • Issue 11 - July 2023 (2.46MB)

    End of term, Y6 leavers, Ofsted, Staff leavers, Sports day, Events and activities, FSM vouchers, Terracycle, Family support worker, From the office, Diary dates