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Aims & Ethos

A whole school teaches in three ways:

  • By what it teaches
  • By how it teaches
  • By the kind of place it is


Our vision is…

  • To create a learning culture that empowers skilful, independent learners for the future.
  • This will be achieved through the development of a creative curriculum which engages all its pupils in rich experiential learning.
  • We will foster a love for learning that will stimulate, enhance and enable all members of the school and wider community to succeed.

Our Aims are:

  • At Oak View we aim to provide an engaging curriculum through experiential learning, which children enjoy and attain high standards in all curriculum areas.
  • To develop independent learners who enjoy school, persevere, are resilient, motivated, actively involved in school life and the wider community as good citizens.
  • To develop highly communicative young people who have their own ideas, verbalise their learning, working creatively and thinking critically.
  • To value and work in partnership with parents, carers and the wider community, as a child educated only at school is an uneducated child.