
“Every Child Matters”

At Oak View School the staff are committed to developing a culture where the school community feel safe.

Promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility and following guidance from the DfE ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’  our policies and practices support the workforce to work together at all times in the best interest of the child.

  • We will provide a safe environment
  • We have a designated safeguarding lead – Mrs  Young
  • Our deputy designated leads are – Mr Richardson, Mrs Wombwell, Ms Stuart and Mrs Wan
  • We have annual training
  • We liaise with other agencies
  • We must identify children who may benefit from early help
  • Please refer to our policies

If you have a concern about a child or safeguarding please ring the school’s office 01707 280590 and ask to speak to our designated senior person.

If your concern is out of school hours, and / or you suspect for any reason, that a child is not being treated correctly, please contact the following numbers:

The Police: 999
Children’s Services (including out of hours): 0300 123 4043
The Child Abuse Investigation Unit: via 101.This is a specialist team within the police with countywide responsibility for undertaking child protection investigations.